Howdy! This website is under construction and will be replaced soon with something very beautyful. aims at visualizing and mapping the galaxy of artists, collectives, initiatives and collaborators of the net culture association
We want to show our members and feature their activites, as well as what we do together in the context of AMRO, of the research lab, the ARDC and the several other events and projects happening in the wider community.

visualization of servus community, comprises AMRO, servus members, ARDC, research lab, book of servus

Are you a member of
Make sure you answer survey before Sept 15th, 2024:

Not yet a member? our call for members is always open: :)

Any questions?

This website is part of the wider project Re:ARDC / Rethinking the Artist Run Data Center, which is funded by the grant for Digitale Transformation of the BMKOES, Austrian Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.